By Gabi - 20/02/2012 14:23 - United States

Today, my boyfriend would rather jerk off than have sex with me. Even if I'm next to him in bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 255
You deserved it 6 552

Same thing different taste


Give him some incentive. Talk to him. Men aren't always the walkabout sex fiends drooling animals we are portrayed as

Heh if I ask my bf to do that he refuses, try offering to do it for him, perhaps you dont do enough on your part to keep him interested.

cherry72 13

I don't see that relationship going much further..

Classlfied 4

Last time I checked I've never had a girl tighter then my hand...

You've obviously never been with a girl to "last check" on

He's probably just slept with a lot of loose women....

Then again he's probably right. A hand can squeeze as tight as you need. Vaginas not so much.

Kick him from the bed... That'll be fun. Since u cant lend a hand... Lend a leg.

I'm no professional or anything but your boyfriend has a high likelyhood of being gay. I've never known a straight man to wack it instead of being serviced by a female.

obviously you need to bring your sister into this relationship!!!