By Anonymous - 15/05/2013 06:43 - United States

Today, my boyfriend yelled at me. Apparently I'm not the "classy girl" he thought I was, and he's not comfortable "doing such vile things in public." I had tried to hold his hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 891
You deserved it 4 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MoronsAccount1 12

I think it's time to find a man and not a boy.

How is holding hands vile? He seems like an immature douche bag, or an overly conservative religious nut. Find someone who will want to hold your hand all the time :3


Did you try to hold his hand and accidentally grabbed his penis instead?

You might want to find out if he is cheating. He might have acted the way he did because he didn't want the other to happen to see him. Have a long chat with him and figure out his problem for acting so ridiculously.

How old is he? 7? Date men, not little boys.

miyaviichan 27

Yeah why are some guys so weird about holding hands? My boyfriend won't hold my hand in public. It's not like he's embarrased of me, we play fight all the time, but he just won't let me hold his hand ;_;.

UnluckyGenius 21

Holding hands? You *****! What's next elbow touching? Staring into each others eyes? Private conversations? Just wow that poor kid.

He might be suffering from loneliness in the closet or he's embarrassed to be seen with "another girl"

perdix 29

The "vile thing" you are doing is interfering with his ability to find more girls (either to replace you or keep in addition to you.) If you are just walking together with him, available girls could think you are his sister, cousin, friend, etc., but if you are holding hands, that indicates you're his girlfriend or wife. See how that ***** up things for him?

perdix 29

#60, yes, and the other asshole move is to be all over your girlfriend in public. Some girls like the challenge of stealing a guy from another girl. These girls are particularly sick, so they are obviously wild in bed. Assholes gotta change it up from time to time.

Reminds me of that Stephen Lynch song "Oh we just can't let people see That you're not hot enough for me Don't tell our families or our friends Say one word and this thing ends My boo Cuz I'm prettier than you" But seriously he's a Wanker for yelling.

rassler4life 9