By Anonymous - 15/05/2013 06:43 - United States

Today, my boyfriend yelled at me. Apparently I'm not the "classy girl" he thought I was, and he's not comfortable "doing such vile things in public." I had tried to hold his hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 891
You deserved it 4 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MoronsAccount1 12

I think it's time to find a man and not a boy.

How is holding hands vile? He seems like an immature douche bag, or an overly conservative religious nut. Find someone who will want to hold your hand all the time :3


Move on, makes no sense pondering on this relation. Forget and let him be his immature self.

MoroseMoose 47

Agree! Find somebody who shares your values instead.

pastispast 7

He sounds like the vile one. You're better off without him, OP.

What a weirdo. Lucky you didn't grab his butt.

Eww, this whole PDA thing is getting way out of hand. How could you do that in public? Think of the children!

RedPillSucks 31

Exactly, that's why she was trying to make her move. At his pace her eggs would have dried up before he got to 3rd base.

Sounds like a child. Is he afraid of your "cooties?" Just wash your hands thoroughly in front of him and he'll lighten up :D On a more to-the-point note, you need to seriously consider if you would want to be in a relationship with a guy who can't even hold hands in public. Further along in the relationship, that could cause some problems. Like, oh say, on your wedding day, when you have to kiss in public *gasp!*

No! Not kissing in public! How could you even mention such a thing?!

princess09 3

Woah, good thing she didn't give him a peck, she would of really been a *****...

83: *gasp* you're right! I should not even utter such things aloud lest I be considered a slattern!

Age has a lot to do with it. If you're both 12, he just isn't as emotionally mature as you are. If you're in your 20s, he just isn't as emotionally mature as you are. Ok, either way he isn't worth wasting time and energy on. Cut your losses and put this one in the "glad I got out in time" file.

monnanon 13

even little kids will hold hand though. maybe hes an extreme germaphobe or just a jerk. my money is on the latter.

nimihyel 4

Some people are just bought up differently.. I wouldn't want to hold my boyfriends hand in public.

Being reserved about PDA is one thing, being totally freaked out at the thought of something as innocuous as holding hands is enough to give someone second thoughts about the whole relationship.

There's a difference between not wanting to hold hands in public, and calling such innocent acts "not classy" and "vile". The latter is...downright bizarre.