By fannylovesfelix - 10/03/2009 23:05 - United States

Today, my cat got into the bathroom while I was changing my tampon. As I was throwing the applicator away, I felt a sharp pain around my vagina; I looked down to find him swatting at the tampon string. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 757
You deserved it 11 903

fannylovesfelix tells us more.

Hiii... My bathroom is insanely tiny. Think airplane bathroom small; I can lean over from the toilet to reach the sink/trash can, so...I was leaning over from the toilet. Fail, I know. Lesson learned. Also, my door doesn't completely shut so he can pry it open. Ehh, or he cries and well...I feel bad. I've given up on keeping him out. : On a lighter note, it doesn't hurt anymore. Also, he's cute enough that I forgive him. :)

Top comments

Owww, I knew there was reason to not letting the cat into the bathroom. They'll swat at your genitilia

I thought this was going to be another "that's the most action I've had in months" type of FML


#3 are you kidding me if you got clawed in the **** i'm sure you would be saying FML

OMG OUCH! #24, if she lives alone and was alone that day, leaving it unlocked or (partially) open isn't a big deal.

milo_fml 0

As I woman, I find this horrifying. As a cat owner, I find this hilarious and even... adorable?

trying_madly 0

oh goodness, 34, that second bit was hilarious.

Guys...was the site hacked a while ago?

courtneyc 1

Some women step up on the toilet seat with one foot to take care of such things - it's easier for them. So if she's not that tall and she's standing in that position - yeah, it's really easy to see how that could happen. I've had my cat catch my OTHER lip before and that hurt badly enough. I can't even imagine. So, yeah, FYL for a few days at least.

Cats in one way represent what it is to be human: infinitely curious.

Hiii... My bathroom is insanely tiny. Think airplane bathroom small; I can lean over from the toilet to reach the sink/trash can, so...I was leaning over from the toilet. Fail, I know. Lesson learned. Also, my door doesn't completely shut so he can pry it open. Ehh, or he cries and well...I feel bad. I've given up on keeping him out. : On a lighter note, it doesn't hurt anymore. Also, he's cute enough that I forgive him. :)

Babsipoodles 0

I feel your pain about a small bathroom. The one in my flat is literally like the ones on a train where the toilet is inside the shower stall.