By emily - 30/07/2009 08:58 - United States

Today, my cell phone was stolen. I work in a morgue. By myself. Obviously it wasn't stolen by any of those people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 079
You deserved it 4 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you cut anyone open today? It's probably in there

Sevenfold 0

wtf? How do you think someone stole it? You LOST it, idiot.


FrankieTheNimrod 0

It's obnoxious when people lose things and immediately assume it was stolen. And this fml was a sad attempt at being funny.

brrrx 0

Today, I read the worst FML ever to be published on this site. FML. Basically all this says is "Today, I lost my phone somewhere. FML." I can't believe this got over 6,000 "Your life is ******" votes. Your life isn't ******, it's just stupid and pointless. I clicked YDI, for your lame attempt at humour.

CyberGenie 0

Are you SURE it wasn't one of them?

Quinklong 0


TenchiMasaki 0

who was stupid enough to mod this and let it through?

alex_vik 0
keveeseeram 0

I think she means that she works alone there and someone stole her phone. It wasn't the dead people so obviously someone is there with her. Or maybe I just watch too much scary movies

you man you lost it. it wasn't stolen ydi

This has to be the stupidest fml I've read.

AmoraLynn 6

Wow thats funny, I work at a morgue too, well the Medical Examiner's office actually. Are you really there alone though because I know my investigator is in and out of the building during my shifts.....but really if you are alone then you lost it. Why say it was stolen?