By emily - 30/07/2009 08:58 - United States

Today, my cell phone was stolen. I work in a morgue. By myself. Obviously it wasn't stolen by any of those people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 074
You deserved it 4 310

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you cut anyone open today? It's probably in there

Sevenfold 0

wtf? How do you think someone stole it? You LOST it, idiot.


NoahLou 0

Try calling your phone. Maybe one of the bodies will ring. LOL

kbs123456789 0

You are so lucky you work in a morgue! Peace and annoying co-workers.... sorry bout your phone though!

dumbbbb 0

this is stupid and not fml worthy. waste of a post..

XRiseToFallAgain 0

Jesus Christ, morons. IT'S AN FML BECAUSE SHE WORKS IN A MORGUE. What's that mean? It's probably inside of a body.

thesismate 3
ChelsiGotSpunk 0

Maybe I'm being dumb, but I think she means it's somewhere gross, obviously. Or maybe she's believing in paranormals and thinks a ghost stole it. Some people.