By Cassie - 21/05/2011 07:44 - United States

Today, my crush and I were talking on the phone and we were really hitting it off. We got on the subject of sex and I told him I have a purity ring. Then he suddenly said he had to go and hang up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 926
You deserved it 47 324

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skyeyez9 24

I find purity rings a bit creepy, considering most purity rings are given to girls by their fathers. You can still hold your values and not have a "purity ring."


there's nothing wrong with having respect for yourself, you deserve a man who will hold the same values. and yes, they are out there.

a_nutritionist 10

wait what? are you suggesting anyone who has sex before marriage doesnt respect themselves? oh dear, what a sad and confused world you live in...

yeah they are out there they are called gay guys.

*Everyone* should have self-respect and *everyone* deserves to be with someone who shares his or her values, no matter what those values are. What this guy did wasn't wrong, but he could've done it in a better way.

maybe he wanted to get one too, and left to get obe from a jonas brohers concert

YDI for not putting out, what else did you expect?

i told my girlfriend of two years that i get extremely jealous about physical contact. today she hugged her best guy friend who then started grabbing her butt for a good10 seconds. she said it was no big deal tho cuz she broke up with him over a month ago...fml

skyttlz 32

submit that as your own fml

c8750 2

Probably tried and was rejected

kiaralove53 0

He should respect your decisions :)

a_nutritionist 10

that doesnt mean he should continue being interested in her.

kiaralove53 0

Point taken: she should find someone that will.

MuffyStJacques 0

I find those who say they are pure to be a freak in the private life.

the south park episode with the Jonas brothers explains it all

sxe_beast 11

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