By paige - 01/04/2011 03:18 - United States

Today, my dad came home drunk and called me hot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 730
You deserved it 5 791

Same thing different taste

Top comments

enonymous 8

There is nothing wrong with admiring what you've created... I know I do every time I take a dump... unless it's one of those damned automatic flushing toilets...

matt1990 0

at least he didnt call u ugly. stop bein debby downer.


enonymous 8

There is nothing wrong with admiring what you've created... I know I do every time I take a dump... unless it's one of those damned automatic flushing toilets...

Would you rather hear it from your drunk mother?

well to be honest I would love to hear it from YOUR mother you fat leprechaun!!!

are you upset cause he's the only one to ever tell you that? if so f it and go with it.

well on the bright side he could of tryed raping you. take the compliment and never bring it up again.

brighteyes81 0

Yes, on the bright side he didn't molest you from the age of two. Bright side: didn't **** ur younger sister after and make you watch, then do it again and again, then as a teen take a shit on ur chest and chilidog **** ur ****, then kill ur dog, then **** ur dog, then make u eat ur shit, then get a pilots license, then fly a plain into your window, then blow up your moms house, then conquer the world and kill all the minorities, then fight Gondi and win then kill God! Yes the run on is about as stupid as your ^ comment. FML

in some places ppl like that incest shit

Nasty. I couldn't ever imagine having incest with a member of my family. That's wrong on so many fricken levels.

It would be hard to be involved in incest with someone outside your family tbh.

They say "drunk words are sober thoughts" ...FYL

you just made this FML alot more disturbing.

He's probably gunna regret it more than you if he even remembers. I thought people knew not to take drunk people seriously.

Decodedman 1

It's a compliment. Just say thanks, scoot over so he can snuggle in and go back to sleep...