By Anonymous - 10/01/2012 03:14 - United States

Today, my dad decided that he wanted to start a collection of sporks. They're filling up our car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 209
You deserved it 2 422

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Better than 50,000 knives in your car

I dont know man. They're both some pretty forked up ideas. I hope nothing like that happens to me any time spoon. Its just knife to know that I'm safe at the moment.


bubo_fml 10

Help your Dad out w/ a spork collecting campaign...Plaster your city w/ signs saying, "Sporks for Dorks!!"

vidamasbella 0

the beginning stages of hoarding

Now that's a healthy addiction. Next thing you know, you'll press the button to roll the window down, and sporks will spill out of the car like a pyroclastic flow from Mt. St. Helens. |the kid|

ibebrandy 4

Sporks are the best you can eat soup with the spoon part and then if you want you can eat the chicken out of it with the fork part... That's if you have Chicken Noodle Soup...

MsMeiriona 2

Reminds me that I need to get around to buying that titanium spork from thinkgeek one of these days.