By Anonymous - 12/06/2011 19:21 - United States

Today, my dad told me he has money set aside for when he has to bail me out of jail, because "it's bound to happen sooner or later." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 645
You deserved it 10 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now there's something you can't call a... *puts on sunglasses* fund. YEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH


rezzel 0

best advice my dad gave me was " its not a crime until u get caught"

I'm not a hippie but I don't like seeing such anger, hate, sadness, and suffering in the world. that's what I want to do with my life, to make a change...

I'd get arrested just for the hell of it. He's gonna pay

IHeartJimi02 0

thank you, I do appreciate the advice

Shadow4i5 3

hey, now u have a backup plan

My dad thinks I have no future. He told me that's why I am going to be a beneficiary. It's more like a win then a loss.

i used to tell my older brothers that. oh, how they laughed and laughed. i was completely serious.