By lawl - 07/05/2011 13:25 - Canada

Today, my date asked if I could drive his friend home before we went out for breakfast. His friend had blonde hair, big boobs and wore a skimpy black dress. He wasn't 100% sure of her name. I guess I drove home my date's one night stand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 436
You deserved it 12 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jennifer93 0

you shouldve just dropped her off on her corner

and tomorrow night a random girl will be driving you home too! yay!


FreebirdIII 1

at least you know where she lives now. if you can't find him, check there first.

what's the problem here? if anything it makes you look better. if this guy had to choose between a bimbo easy girl with no car or a responsible girl next door girl who is polite enough to drive the tramp home.... well i'd say there may be wedding bells in your future. besides now that you know he's gotten laid recently you can hold off the goods longer.

If I were her I wouldn't marry his pig ass if he paid me to. I see more bimbos in their future. "Hey hunny, can you give our daughter's 23 year old friend sss....mantha? A ride home today? Then we can go eat breakfast."

you are one of those people who believes everything you read. I mean, I've heard your kind exist but wow, what honor to finally meet one. first learn how to determine what's sarcasm and what isn't. second please put your bra back on and refrain from responding with "women are holier than thou" speech. third try to locate a sense of humor, I think amazon sells them under tools to remove a stick from your ass. thank you and good day.

justanotherbird 19

The only problem with your theory is that your post wasn't very funny or clever, just lame. :| Now go put your big boy panties back on and stop bitching.

s3xymoma 1

y didn't you just tell your date no n leave him too n go find another one

yeah that's what you'll find me doing in the morning, taking ****** around town

they could've just been watching anime :)

So I'm guessing your a red head with small boobs and where big dresses………-_- sucks for you O.o

cindayy77 0

and... what's wrong with red heads? I'm a red head and I actually like it

your an idiot. just like most girls....

Right... women are idiots? So asking her to take the tramp home and basically telling on himself was a smart idea? Fail.

IAmAFreakingSeah 0

and you're an asshole. Just like most guys...

Shoulda never let that skeez in your car. YDI for that one

fadingfaith 4

I hope you didn't go on with the date but I have a feeling you did since you drove the bimbo home.