By Username - 19/05/2011 22:46 - United States

Today, my family went to Seaworld. When we got there, my dad sarcastically told me not to get lost, because I might get mistaken for Shamu. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 189
You deserved it 7 950

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KatrinaKitten 16

You should have yanked him in the water and drowned him; Show him Shamu!

ZombieeeeUnicorn 1


rabsml 0
denvan 0

hahaha funniest fml I've read. Dad's are being legends on fml lately

doodlemunster 0

Oh my god... if that was me, I'm pretty sure I would burst into tears on the spot. And then cried for a week. Even if you do need to lose some weight, OP, I'm sorry your dad would say something so awful to you, some people are just thoughtless assholes. It is worse, though, when you're related to them...

Aww :( Don't worry everyone looks beautiful the way they are :) (well.. for the most part)

emokid321 0

you guys cant understand cant understand sarcasm