By inthefamily - 23/10/2012 13:29 - United States - Washington

Today, my fiancé's stepfather asked me how my teaching job was going. I replied heatedly that I've never taught, and then complained bitterly to my fiancé about how his family still doesn't know me. Turns out his stepfather has early onset dementia, and that I'm an asshole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 549
You deserved it 36 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like someone never even taught you to be polite

twinny_sc 13

Seems like you don't know much about his family either so what are you so pissed about?


Iknoweverything 29

In-laws DON'T have to know anything about you other than your name. They don't have to "know" you, or even like you. That being said, be greatful that your future in-law even took an interest in your life. Some people have in-laws that can't even be civil in their presence. Oh, and don't complain bitterly in front of them. Even if he didn't have dementia, you were an asshole. It's not exactly endearing to hear someone complain about you.

Maybe you need to learn about them. Lolz, who'd wanna marry you?

BellaBelle_fml 23

Who'd wanna marry someone who says, "Lolz"?

It's ironic that you complain about his family not knowing you. It seems as though you're the one who doesn't know them very well.

Seems like you are just one of those people who thinks the world revolves around them. Not FYL, F the lives of everyone close to you.

What a bitch. I hope OPs fiance called it quits on her. She overreacted.

Sounds like you don't know your fiancé's family either (ee). Especially if you didn't know about the stepfather's dementia. Your fiancé should have told you. :P

A small caveat: Families can be in serious denial about dementia, especially early-onset. One family I knew took years to all finally accept that a middle-aged family member had a real medical problem.

85, it's especially sad when the family's denial costs them precious time in treating the medical condition. I've seen it before. We always got calls in the middle of the night from an older lady claiming people and scary things were in her house and yard. In truth, nothing was there. Her daughters that lived nearby knew it, but her son(who had power of attorney) that lived out of state was in huge denial. This poor woman lived in fear of weird shit that only she could see and her son's answer was to build a bigger fence around her yard instead of getting her medical help. And no, the police calling him didn't help, he was that much in denial.

looks like you're the one who still doesn't know the family. not the other way around

bach2121 13

Ur fiance should've told you that!!