By Wow. Really? - 29/04/2013 18:07 - United States - Columbus

Today, my fiancée broke off our engagement. For some bizarre reason, she'd hidden a pair of expensive boots and her iPad underneath our ride-on mower. I turned the mower on and destroyed both without realizing it. According to her, the fault is all mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 863
You deserved it 4 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aldwin_fml 7
Wizardo 33

Your fiancé is crazy, definitely dodged a massive bullet with this one... btw run or its gonna be you under that lawn mower next...


I don't know how you did not realize it, when I was cutting the grass, I hit a small piece of metal a knew it right when it happened. But FYL.

But that small piece of metal was blade-whacked the instant you hit it -- your immediate realization didn't stop you from hitting and damaging it in the first place. Likewise, boots and an iPad are goners the moment they're hit by mower blades. Really, the only way OP could have prevented damaging them is by carefully checking under the mower before turning it on... which really shouldn't have been necessary.

superdom 12
Inciter 33

I doubt she wanted her expensive things destroyed, but then again, she might just be insane.

finch01 18

why were they down there. just wondering...

Who bought her the boots and why was she hiding the iPad??

She is very stupid and crazy. Dump her psycho ass and run the hell away.

Yeah… clearly she did that on purpose. Run now, before you become the person going under that mower. Crazy bitch!

Hmmm, OP, is that sort of like "my fiancee is so clumsy that she accidentally walked into my fist and fell down the steps and walked into a door!"? Either she set you up or you set her up and either way, FYL!

Hahaha she's so stupid! Dude you are so much better off without her!

Lil_Red777 21

Sounds like you're better off. You don't want to breed with that "genius"