By dumped - 05/06/2011 05:17 - United States

Today, my five year old daughter asked me what a divorce was. When I asked why she wanted to know, she replied with "Daddy wants one. He says you can have me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 028
You deserved it 4 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BrittanyPernell6 0

what a screwed up loser he doesn't deserve you or your little girl

Blurting that out was uncalled for especially in front of his own daughter. OP, best of luck ripping him dry with child support. You & your daughter deserve better. FYL


skyeyez9 24

What a dick! That conversation will stick with her for the rest of her life. Basically says he doesn't love or want his own child.

pretty_in_pink94 6

No real man would do that. Hope you suck him dry and never let him see that pretty little girl ever again! I'm so sorry that happened to you.

poor kid will prob b scarred for life once she old enough to understand.

sourgirl101 28

This is one of the saddest FMLs I've read in a while! I feel so sorry for that little girl, having a father that's a piece of garbage! Who would say such a thing to their 5 year old?

meggs2209 0

as a mother I don't see how ANY parent could ever say that about their child. my daughter is my world & she defientely is her fathers too. to me that is the lowest thing a father could EVER say. sorry, this happened to you. hope everything turns out ok. just remember... what goes around comes around.

62, I'm pretty sure you have no idea what communist means. Requiring liscence to have children has nothing to do with communist ideals. It may be unconstitutional, but that doesn't make it communist. Get your head out of the Red Scare.

think of it this way: you're divorcing a man less mature than a five year old. did he also give her a little folded piece of paper with: "DO U DIVORCE ME?? Y/N" on it?

FMLsOhilarious 6

Wow, your husband is pathetic. Give him what he wants and get a lawyer and make sure you leave his sorry self with nothing.