By sostupid - 10/10/2009 19:22 - United States

Today, my friend and I drove three hours to attend a U2 concert. We had been psyched about the tickets for weeks because they were awesome seats (my early Christmas present). After a long drive, we get to the venue and I realize in horror that I left tickets at home, on my desk, three hours away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 826
You deserved it 51 166

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thats why you always make sure you have the tickets first


Did you mean YDI for NOT having OCD? Someone with OCD wouldn't forget to check.

SeximusPrime 0

YDI for not checking. Tickets should go straight into your wallet or purse when you buy them so this doesn't happen again.

YDI for liking U2 - and this isn't just a lame troll-joke. Seriously. They fail .. so hard.

Don't worry I'll try to get it another time :(

Sugar_lipsXo 0

that totally sucks. f*ck all the people saying YDI. it totally sucks to be forgetful --im so sorry.

But 3 hours? It never occurred to him that he should check anytime before then? Complete and total YDI, anyone who says otherwise is just as big an idiot as he is.

Sugar_lipsXo 0

no i just know how bad it sucks to forget... im sure YOU'VE forgotten something important before. and watch yourself. saying ydi... it'll come back to bite you in the ass one day.

wait, south carolina? the concert was in tampa.

****. YDI, but that's definitely something I would do. Next time, make sure someone else is in charge of the tickets. Damn, I'd beat myself up over that :S

honeydoodles 0

That stinks, but I'm jealous that you had tickets in the first place.

clockworkrainbow 3

Why would you want U2 tickets in the first place? They suck, a lot. When I had my Hollywood Undead tickets I checked my wallet every 5 seconds. Yeah, I call your music crap, you'll call mine crap... I see it happening already.

clockworkrainbow 3

People are getting tired of reading my comments already. Life is good when your FML comment is buried. x3

YDI it for trying to see king of all douche bags Bono. Plus they ran out of parking spaces anyway, so a lot of people didn't get to see the concert even with tickets! HA!