By kyle - 05/06/2011 07:00 - United States

Today, my friend pushed me into the swimming pool. Unfortunately, we were eight feet away from the actual pool, so I face-planted and rolled in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 923
You deserved it 3 716

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well if you were 8 feet away, I don't think you're friends intention was to push you in the pool..

Should have pretended you were casually planking.


wow that's someone who's probably not OPs friend anymore...

hey, can i sit by you? another one rides the bus

SmallTownCutie 0
HU4L188 0

what an idiot, they clearly over estimated there strength if they thought they could push eight feet away into the pool

there is no better to get pushed in.

does a fat person run into a pool or roll?

BabbiiLovvee 0

I woulda paid money to see that lol

Ok I'm not too great with puzzles but I'll give this a shot. Knock unconscious and try to drown to clear airway...ok Then try mouth to mouth trick...ok Teeth marks on penis.................... ...