By argh - 03/03/2012 00:14 - Australia

Today, my friend told me how she crept out last night to hook up with her boyfriend. At one point, she said she "snack" out, so I corrected her by saying it's "snuck". My boyfriend snorted, showed us in a dictionary that it's actually "sneaked" and called us "fucking idiots". FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 426
You deserved it 32 233

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Both are acceptable. "Snuck" is more common, in my experience. It's like "hung" and "hanged." Hung was actually added to the dictionary later, as many people thought "hanged" sounded awkward and improper.

erikabt820 2


mojo5678 5
husky22 0

Sorry, you encourage her boyfriend to correct her English using while using "u r" in the very same sentence? Sense not made.

I would be more concerned with being called a fvcking idiot than I would be for the conjugation of the word sneak. Once the name-calling starts, it's all downhill from there. Then again, if it's what you allow, then have at it.

jmashini 13