By Thanh Quang - 31/01/2011 05:58

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because she met someone else on World of Warcraft. I've been paying for her subscription. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 603
You deserved it 14 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sylverstone 2

Wow. That's just sad. Cancel the subscription for revenge?


perstephane 4

Ok, not everyone who plays WoW is a social reject. I play (on and off, when I feel like spending the money). But I do it as a HOBBY. Sometimes I read, sometimes I go out to dinner with friends, sometimes I hang out with my fiance, and sometimes I play WoW. Actually sometimes I play WoW with my fiance. Point is, not everyone who plays does so to the exclusion of real-world interaction. I have way more real world social time than WoW playing time. Also - WoW is not the problem here. If he had paid for her to take a martial arts class and she left him for a classmate, I don't think anyone would say "you deserve it for giving her the gift of something she enjoys doing."

My_Name_Sucks 2

I love how people are saying "Stop playing video games and get a life" or "Everyone who plays video games is fat and ugly". Personally, I think it's bullshit. If someone sits in their room and plays a guitar all day, that's fine, but God forbid someone actually enjoy video games. Seriously, just because you don't like something doesn't give you the right to talk shit about someone who does. What do YOU do that's so amazing? You sit on FML and try to look cool by hating on people you don't even know, soooo impressive! Also, telling someone over the internet to "get off the computer and get a life", is like being in a strip club and telling the guy next to you to stop staring at ******* and get out. You're a hypocrite. How are you going to tell someone else to get a life when you don't have one yourself? I ******* work all day, come home and play some games to unwind. Does that make me a fat, ugly, loser? No, it does not. I have friends, and I have a boyfriend, but I like to play games in my free time, so the **** what? I also like to do other things, but you can't always do other things when it's 3am, no one is awake, and there's nothing to do. Why don't you people think before you come out and say the stupid shit you say? You all FAIL IMHO.

that is the saddest thing i've ever heard.2 nerds, a broken heart and wow. raid of love (new flick?)

iHeritik 0

What's with all the ignorant comments? Honestly.

Amen. It made my day to see something sensible on here.

Not saying this represents EVERYONE in the world, but everyone I've ever met who plays World of Warcraft is obsessed with the game to the point where very little else matters. I dated a boy once who played WoW. He would always blow off dates with me to sit at home in his mom's basement to play it. Then when I broke up with him he cried and couldn't figure out why I didn't wanna be with him anymore The moral of the story is: don't waste your time on a WoW player. They care more about the game than you.

supernerd352 7

lol i live in my parents basement surrounded by electronic gizzmos and gadgets, some guns, and enough mountain dew to last a lifetime... but i do have a girlfriend and no i'm not fat and i run a company of computer repairing. am i thee emblem of someone who can't spend time with her NO sge even tried the game and loved it (the sex got better too?) so **** off just because one guy is obsessed with it so it wouldve been your fault for dating him

Jerz, I don't play World of Warcraft myself, but I know quite a few girls that do, and none of them are socially awkward, obese OR hideous! It's pathetic how some people go by stereotypes... I highly doubt you've met all the girls who do play World of Warcraft anyway, Jerz.

watch when it's like a spotty 12 yr old