By Anonymous - 28/07/2015 15:18 - United States - Milford

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me over the phone, after having left me to look after her dog while she went on a 2-week vacation with her family. Now I have to choose between paying for a kennel for her damn dog or taking care of it every day until she gets back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 167
You deserved it 2 448

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just take it to one of her closest relatives and tell them they'll have to take care of it until she's back because you're leaving.

Not stealing - taking care of it for an indefinite periode of time :)


Find a kennel that requires payment on pickup of her dog, that way she has to choose between leaving her dog or paying for the kennel. Or just charge her for your services. I bet she met someone on her vacation or cheated or something. Despicable.

No, you don't have to do either. Stop taking care of the dog, but be sure to make it clear to both her and several of her relatives that you've done so. If she can't talk a relative into taking care of it, she'll have to come home early from vacation - which serves her right for breaking up with you while you're doing her a favor.

llamingo 8

When you walk the dog take all the bags of crap and shove them through her mailslot

call one of her friends or family relatives and tell them to watch the dog while she's away , you don't deserve that after she broke up with you the way she did

Here's what I say you do- Option 1: If you like the dog, keep em Option 2: If you don't like the dog (which is completely understandable) call her, and tell her she has a day to come pick up her dog or you are giving him away to a good home or a good shelter Option 3: Watch the dog for the 2 weeks but have him do his business in her room so really that's what she gets for leaving you with a responsibility that you were unprepared for. Good Luck OP !!

Just leave, she broke up with you, you shouldn't have to take care of her dog anymore

take care of the dog dude. it's not its fault that you're girlfriend is a giant ****. the dig can't help who is owner is.

What part of give it to a no-kill animal shelter and leave her the info don't you understand?