By Anonymous - 28/07/2015 15:18 - United States - Milford

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me over the phone, after having left me to look after her dog while she went on a 2-week vacation with her family. Now I have to choose between paying for a kennel for her damn dog or taking care of it every day until she gets back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 167
You deserved it 2 448

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just take it to one of her closest relatives and tell them they'll have to take care of it until she's back because you're leaving.

Not stealing - taking care of it for an indefinite periode of time :)


It's not the dog's fault he got broken up with.

What the **** is wrong with you, you piece of shit?? It's her dog, not her laptop! It's a living animal

Chop10324 1

Dude either take the dog for yourself or put it in a kennel that you pay for when you pick the dog up. It keeps the dog taken care of and you're standing up for yourself. If you like the dog you could even keep it until the day before she comes back and then kennel it.

It makes me sad that there are actually comments suggesting that OP should sell it or give it to the pound or abandon it. It's not the dog's fault he got broken up with; it shouldn't have to suffer.

BLT10009 4

lot of dog people in these comments. you don't "have to" do either of these things. you're choosing to, because you're a doormat. you're not in a good position, but as a lot of these comments have said, you could easily find a reputable service to take care of the dog for you rather than leaving it at your ex's place to starve to death.

all of a sudden the dog got out and took off...... id leave the door open and dog unattended

And all of a sudden the front door was left open and the dog ran away while you were taking a nap. Oops.. you put up posters but nobody ever saw it. Oh well at least you don't have to put up with that bitch anymore.

Take care of the dog but don't bother buying a kennel. Just let it roam free to shit and break whenever and wherever he pleases!

most boarding facilities for animals don't make you pay until you pick it up. it's also pretty expensive sooo... I say drop it off!