By christian9294 - 08/02/2010 20:21 - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me, saying I was immature for making gay jokes all the time. A few hours later, I got six texts and three calls from guys I didn't know. It turns out, she put my name and number on Craigslist as a gay man seeking a relationship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 939
You deserved it 55 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

acesarge 0

The only people who still make fun of gays are the ones trying to cover up there own homosexuality.


why would she call him immature then go to do something just as immature as him? you're a moron and your gf is a hypocrite.

LOL! Good for her. I just hope I would have the ingenuity and nerve to do something like that.

ninja_ness 3

wow he was just having fun she went too far

I'm honestly sickened. Are you really that stupid? Lesbians don't "take it in the back door," last I checked. Also, heterosexual people have anal sex. What "door" you "go into" has nothing to do with your orientation. Stop being so immature.

X_Life_Sucks_X 0

i bet u there is a gay guy making a joke about u right now! there prob saying wow what a jack-ass u are i mean reaalli shut the **** up u shit head!

The__Redneck 7

Now see if it takes the mods as long to moderate this as it did for the anti-homosexual posts...

Your ex-girlfriend wins at life. End of story.