By christian9294 - 08/02/2010 20:21 - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me, saying I was immature for making gay jokes all the time. A few hours later, I got six texts and three calls from guys I didn't know. It turns out, she put my name and number on Craigslist as a gay man seeking a relationship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 939
You deserved it 55 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

acesarge 0

The only people who still make fun of gays are the ones trying to cover up there own homosexuality.


#101, if it worked that way there would be a shortage of girls. And the first guy to lose out would be you.

Ha, she is immature to not find "gay jokes" funny,

FYL, dude. I don't care if every joke you made was innappropriate, because she was WAY out of line to put your personal information on the Internet. Also, what do you call a lesbian with fat fingers? Well-endowed

@18 ok that last part made no sense. And just because someone makes gay jokes doesn't maen they are gay. But I will say that if OP was making gay jokes to tease gay people, or something like that, then that is definitely not cool.

AngryNinja 1
fritzy4valley 3

He's in the right. Gays aren't people anyway.

BikerMike 0

put her name on craigslist as a cheap **** who swallows and likes anal.