By oink401 - 05/11/2011 15:40 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend came to my house crying because the guy who she has been cheating on me with doesn't want to be with her anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 949
You deserved it 4 370

Same thing different taste


ramboman19 8

Or maybe she cheated on her other boyfriend with the guy she's crying to ehh ehh? Either way dump the girl.

You sure y'all had an agreement on you two even dating?

Torva_fml 16

Well.... Umm.... Can't think of anything to say that hasn't already been said... Hmm.... Turtle!

2ndSucks 15

Can't think of anything to say, make a pointless comment anyways. Thank you for that.

And she came to see you? Is she brain-damaged or something? Well, with all that banging...

Tell her to find another shoulder to cry on & have her tell them what she's done. What a ho, hope you dropped her like a hot potato...cheaters will ALWAYS be cheaters....if they've done it before, there's a 99.999999% chance they will do it again....get rid of her before she gives you an std from the next or other guy(s) she has or will be cheating on you with.

ScrivNasty 3

If she was his ex at the time she came crying to him he really wouldn't have an FML. For the sake of the story she was still his gf when he found out. So I don't get why people are saying I hope she was his ex, ******* dumb. Anyways hope you hit it one last time then dumped her.

No no no no! you've got it all wrong! they hope she's ex meaning hope you dumped her!

I thought the same too!! But Burro makes a point. Although it gets so old to here that same line in almost all FML's!