By rastafarimon - 17/04/2011 05:56 - United States

Today, my girlfriend compared my penis to an ewok from Star Wars. She says it's short, stubby, and fuzzy. Now she sings the Star Wars theme when we hang out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 183
You deserved it 8 981

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is she turned on by you when you have sex? I wouldn't worry about being short, if you can satisfy her in some other way.

Frelling 0

A chode in the hand is worth two in the bush.


ItsAllBeenDone 0

You deserve it for dating a girl who makes starwars references hahah. That was mean there is nothing wrong with that. Atleast youre having sex. You could be like 3212654 FMLs with non existent sex life so cheer up(: lol

Danieleb56 0

there are some things you should just never admit

Zombieslayer1 0

Tell her not to worry that her **** look weird.

joeyfingas187 0

Say: "Make it happy enough and it will turn into a wookie."

ScoundrelDays 0

Can't believe all the guys saying he's lucky to be with her! She's tactless at the very least. And at the risk of getting heavy stuff like that is a classic power trip, convince you you won't find anyone else. That girl is one mean partner. Suggest: trim yourself (cos it's better), then dump her if she doesn't get the ego-damage/emasculation she's caused. But yeah: fyl. That'd be, er, hard, cough, to have happen to you.

break up with her. she's a jerk. but then again, maybe you should've gotten to know her a little better before you banged her.. duh..

EarAcheMyEYE10 2