By (not) fucked - 16/05/2014 16:01 - United States - Kingsville

Today, my girlfriend decided that we won't be having any more sex until I beat her ridiculously high score on Flappy Bird. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 760
You deserved it 8 263

Same thing different taste

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i prefer whale trail. commence the multitude of haters

Flip her the bird. I have a serious problem...

Wow you must have incredibly shitty sex if she can stand not having it for a while. Also that's a dick move and a sign for an unhealthy relationship if she thinks it's ok to use sex as a way to manipulate you. Sex is something you should both enjoy equally and it's not some kind of privilege women give to men. If she isn't woman enough to discuss eventual issues she might have with your relationship/sex life but instead uses manipulative/passive aggressive moves like this you should really rethink being with her.

People still play Flappy Bird? Sigh, and here I was hoping that the fad was well and truly dead.

I honestly don't get how that poorly programmed game got so damn popular in the first place. I played Flappy Bird for 5 minutes then stopped.

well, i guess you will turn into a fapping bird..

an3ph 20

Challenge accepted. Sex isn't everything. Seems like people here on FML talk about it like their life depends on it.

It's not that he has to live without sex for a while, it's that she's using sex as a reward to manipulate him with. No couple should have sex because he beat the high score, or he washed the dishes, or any other task. A couple should have sex because they both want to. Many women treat sex like it's some pawn to get their man to do what they want, and that's a problem.