By guess28 - 14/07/2009 18:19 - Puerto Rico

Today, my girlfriend of over a year said she has been faking her orgasms since the first time we've had sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 769
You deserved it 20 835

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't understand why people even do that. Why not just be honest and try to work on it? Sorry about your luck.

D: I feel your pain. It takes an impossible amount of work for me to have one, and even then, it's only been twice. I just wish my boyfriend didn't make me feel like something is wrong with me.


Not noticing? Seriously? Faking is easy. Ever see when Harry met Sally? Moan, groan, squeal, strain your face, clamp your vag. and there you go; you don't have to be Meryl Streep to impress someone who is in the throes of sex. There's no squirt at the end, no "evidence" as such, just an impression and your word. It's her fault for playing the "easy O," and now that she's come clean, they can work on making it happen for real.

next time stick it in her arse. there won't be no faking that emotion.

LovingCFK 8

who cares? she doesn't ******, but she still lets you **** her... so **** her! only don't feel any compulsion to last any length of time or do anything for her... she knows she's your cum dumpster, so treat her like it! this is about the farthest thing from a fml i've seen here...

unless you're a really good faker =). I think it depends on the girl cause I'm a girl and just take a really long time. If i really like a guy and he's making me feel really good, I don't care if I actually come cause it just takes too damn long, so I fake it so they'll know I'm still feelin good and not feel bad. I don't fake it if they don't earn a good faking =)

dramakat11 0

Wow you are a jerk. Some men actually care about their girlfriend's pleasure. My bf says pleasing me is by far the most enjoyable aspect of sex for him.

You must be shit in bed :') Most guys are... xD

lwdowda 0

Q: Why do women fake orgasms? A: Who cares

Tell her you're upset she was lying all this time, but understand that many women (the number is disputed) don't ever (or often, again, disputed) achieve ****** during intercourse. Ask her what you can do to help. Make it clear it's important to you that she enjoys herself.

waitenr 0

There is this thing called a vibrator! Use it while you have sex. Most girls cant have orgasms during sex, BUT with the assistance of a vibrator, they can. Its the equivalent of only being able to ****** when a girl is giving you a bj, if she is also sucking your balls.

helpmeiamblind 0

Wow, YDI for being a horrible lay. L2Read body movement. It's not that hard to give a woman an ******. True story. This might help you =]