By Surprisebuttsecks? - 07/12/2011 04:39 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend shoved a Q-tip up my ass while I was brushing my teeth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 318
You deserved it 7 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jpoole 4

It sounds like you guys are doing it wrong. Try it up her ass??


1seven1 0

Just the tip, just to see how it feels.... wow

XxAqwa13xX 6

Wtf? How did that happen? Are you brushing your teeth naked or what? That's a little weird...

What were you, bent over with your cheeks spread? How dis she manage to do it so quick and accurately?

thetruth11433 0

u know it was something bigger lol

CEvans7 0

First of all why were you naked?

stfu_bam 5

She was just helping you be clean, she figured youd need help cleaning inside your ass. Damn!

polkadot3155 6

adw hy was your ass exposed while brushing your teeth? haha

I used to brush my teeth naked like you. Then I took a Q-tip in the ass. ;)

bshawndes1 0

why would you brush your teeth naked and expect everything to go smoothly?