By Anonymous - 02/01/2012 17:30 - United States

Today, my girlfriend was giving me a hand job when she started crying. Despite my pleas for her to stop and attempts to comfort her, she insisted that she continue. I feel like a monster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 295
You deserved it 7 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're a monster. A beautiful monster. Probably why she insisted that she continues.


NullPointer 20

lol, so freakin weird. please figure out why she was crying and why she refused to stop and reply to this comment letting us know.

You pleaded for her to stop and she continued? Your girlfriend is a rapist.

And she kept on insisting but he said stop..

In a digital world, she has exactly 10 seconds to finish, and then it's game over. |the kid|

bethal 8

I just wanna say i was the 69th thumbs up!!!

How do you not go limp at the sight of your crying girlfriend??

faysophie 2

It reminded her of her dead snake poor girl

colabobo 5

At least she made the choice to make sure you don't get blue balls