By leonuniz - 19/04/2015 16:34 - Canada - Calgary

Today, my grandma told me point-blank that she despises gays, but that she'll go to my wedding for the booze and nothing more. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 537
You deserved it 5 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"I despise alcoholics, but I'll still take what I want from your estate when you die."


Lol I'd be happy she didn't smack you with holy water and say "gay begone" cuz that's what I would have got if I was a homosexual

I would tell her that her intolerant old ass isn't invited. The wedding is for people who SUPPPORT the couple and want to see them commit their lives to each other.

OP That sucks. While she is entitled to her opinion about her views on gays, this is completely disrespectful. FYL

Badkarma4u 17

When an old person shares their intolerance, I simply respond with, what do you care, youll be dead soon.

Say "I despise drunks, but I'll still take ur estate...oh Btw u aren't and never were officially invited. Buh-bye"

snarkytruth 37

At least she is still talking to you and willing to go. Maybe over time she will change her mind once she gets to know if your spouse. Then she'll be glad she went to the wedding for other reasons.