By Anonymous - 12/06/2012 11:58 - United States - Gorham

Today, my grandmother saw me for the first time in years. "Not all your clothes have to be as tight as condoms, you tramp," is probably the nicest greeting she's ever given me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 309
You deserved it 9 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Grandparents. They say the truth, even if it hurts.

At least she acknowledged you....unlike mine :/ baby steps, OP


Tell her you're just using protection, safety first. At least, That is until you get mistaken for a prostitute an raped:/

Rape is not something to joke about. And clothing isnt the only reason why people get abused and raped.

Seriously? What is wrong with you and, how is that funny?!

wlddog 14

And she wonders why she is only allowed over for the holidays.

blcksocks 19

Just a joke guys. My apologies if it was offensive.

Well she sounds like she's been around a few times herself.

Granddaughter: leave me alone you old b***h! How would you know what clothes are and are not too tight when you and Adam use to go nude in the garden!

YesyDidWhat 0

Lmfaoo, that was hilarious:D

Ninjasaurus18 9

Well you'd better get over that hatred because you're gonna be one of them one day...

Maybe you shouldn't dress like a tramp?