By Anonymous - 12/06/2012 11:58 - United States - Gorham

Today, my grandmother saw me for the first time in years. "Not all your clothes have to be as tight as condoms, you tramp," is probably the nicest greeting she's ever given me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 321
You deserved it 9 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Grandparents. They say the truth, even if it hurts.

At least she acknowledged you....unlike mine :/ baby steps, OP


The opposite saying goes for her ******. (bury me)

What greetings could possibly be worse?

I agree, tho i like wearing my brotjers clothes because the ones my mon buys me are too toght for comfort and i like being comfy :)

If she is anything like my husband's grandmother, anything tighter than a baggy sweatshirt is "too tight", and anything cut lower than a crew neck shirt is "too low"... She's not exactly qualified to be the fashion police with her embroidered baggy sweatshirts and elastic-waist double-knit pants. Take into consideration how your grandmother dresses before taking her critical critique to heart... Unfortunately, as for her rudeness towards you, take solace in the fact you don't have to see her often.

I think I confused another reply with OP's... Circumstances of replying via mobile. OP might have to see her grandmother every day. If that's the case, find something to do to occupy yourself away from her as much as possible.

Shes in her what, 70's or 80's. She doesnt give a **** anymore. She could shit in a box and give it to a kid for his birthday, and not think twice about it

TheDrifter 23

A size 4 woman will always look better in a size 4 than she does in a size 2, irregardless of how fond I am of the "I'm desperate with zero self esteem" message that clothes 2 sizes too small sends.

Stop dressing like a **** and Grandma won't have to say those things

YesyDidWhat 0

Grandparents (sometimes) think we should dress like nuns-.- seriously FYL, don't mind her she'll get used to how people dress now in days. And I'm sure you didn't look like a tramp she was just being old and grouchy.

My girlfriend told me that when she was 15 her and a couple of friends went out on Halloween and she went as a nun, and her grandmother was proud. Daddy's little **** I guess

YesyDidWhat 0

I understand but you never know, maybe OP isn't even a ****. Maybe grandma was just exaggerating and being a bitch. Sometimes old people get grouchy and can be pretty mean.

Yeah, as said, dnt dress like you're about to go walk the blvd for money like a hoe& Gma wouldn't have to call you on your shit.