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By Anonymous - 20/04/2014 04:03 - United States - Meridian

Today, my guide dog sneezed so hard that it slammed its head on the floor and knocked itself out. I have to trust this dog with my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 288
You deserved it 5 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do you have to trust this dog with your life? Unless it's a seeing eye dog or something.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

like you've never ran into a glass door


Your dog is so cute and funny! Forgive him if this is his first time. We, humans, are clumsy/silly sometimes too. :)

conman531 23

It could be anything from a seeing eye dog or like a special needs dog. Someone with a seizure problem may rely on a helping dog. MS patients rely on dogs, too. They can be trained to call for help, push the handicap door button, and of course they make great friends when you need them the most

This FML needs a follow-up. Is the dog medical assistance, bomb/drug sniffing or police assistance or something else altogether? Inquiring minds, you know?

Oh my, could you imagine a sneezing bomb dog? lmao

It says it's a guide dog. They're for blind people

gingaa96 18

If it's a guide dog, it makes OP blind.. How in the actual **** did OP post this??

I voted on this one, it originally said seeing eye dog. Just to clear up any confusion. Don't know why it was taken out...

conman531 23

How visually impaired can OP be if he could remember such vivid detail like the dog slamming his head against the floor and being knocked out? Maybe OP has a visual impairment but not exactly blind

Other people could've been there to witness it

Or you know, maybe OP could hear the sneeze, a loud bang, suddenly the dog was out cold, and then put all the pieces together.

34- you don't know the definition of legally blind then.

Awww poor thing. Hope it was ok. Animals are funny sometimes just like humans. I've seen my dogs smack their faces on a door or doorway because they were looking behind them while walking. They only do that though in a comfortable environment where they don't have to be on guard. I'm sure you'll be just fine when and if he's needed.

It would be even funnier if it was a police dog.

Poor thing. I do have a question though... Why did you say "it" instead of she or he?

Because op doesn't have to personify if it doesn't want to.

Or maybe, op is doesn't know what gender the dog wants to be, and the op doesn't want to assign the dog's gender in worry of offending the dog's personal life choices. come on, think...

Well sneezing is an involuntary action (especially since a dog can't consciously control it) so I doubt thats a reason to question your dog's ability to look after you.

Get padding instead of carpet. I feel there will be more silly things to come

How old is the dog? If he's fairly young, you'll be all right. My dog has managed to slam his head into a fence while chasing a rabbit twice, but he has also saved my life once. He just went through a clumsy stage. Maybe your dog has to go through one.