By anne - 17/12/2011 03:46 - United States

Today, my husband called me to the bedroom to show me something. This "something" was him demonstrating his seemingly well-trained ability to accurately type out a sentence on my phone using nothing but his erect penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 862
You deserved it 6 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheSnakeDoctor20 17
monkeysareyummy 0

New 'Americas Got Talent' contestant?


Does he take his phone to the bathroom often...?

if that was my husband, i would totally be turned on ;)

Does that mean his dick is small enough to push the buttons? damn

The FML part should be that he was erect without you being around lol

Ma'am. I'd like you to have a seat there.. Id like to tell you to wake the **** up -- as a man, I get boners whenever and for whatever the **** I want. Whatever gets me off, gets me off.

You can tell she's about 16, give her a break. It's fascinating what young girls think about penises, it's like it's a magical creature to them. It even explains how we can text with them..

Almost anything can bring on an erection. "i open up the window and a breeze rolled in - **** in my pants"

rugger32 7

Haha seriously? A magical creature? Grow up. No 16 year old girl's mind works like that, so next time you defend someone try not to insult them more.

We can let #43 slide on this one, she was jus exppressing her opinion and making it alittle funny lol

Wolvy_fml 3

At least it's useful for something

2ndSucks 15

I could think of a few things other than texting that a penis is useful for... But maybe that's just me.