By Anonymous - 19/05/2014 18:43 - United States - Shawnee

Today, my husband suggested we get divorced, "for tax purposes". FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 700
You deserved it 5 224

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JMichael 25

So then after taxes you get married again? You could make this a yearly thing.

I know of couples who are "separated", but live in the same house for tax breaks. Just another way to beat the system I guess.


Suggest you keep the house and retirement accounts, "for tax purposes".

I'd be careful if you do go through with it. Working on my masters in accounting and the subject came up and my professor (who used to do high end like congressional member taxes) said the IRS can and has considered it tax evasion if they catch you.

Sound like it's time to levy a sex tax, to make up for whatever "savings" he's expecting.

Gays can't get married in most states yet BS "excuses" like this to divorce are legal? Right since I can't legally marry in most states you and your husband should be bound to abide by the commitment you two took in front of god.

There is a reality show out now about total strangers marrying and people say that gays are ruining the sanctity of marriage. Such BS.

Is your tax receptacle the only 1 he is depositing in? Bet not

I'm sure the IRS will love that. And when you get caught you'll be so thrilled with how they treat you.

dmklake 14

you sure its for tax purposes?

that's another way of indirectly saying he has another woman and its an excuse to avoid headache and drama. shadiness all the time

Doesn't marriage generally come with tax incentives?