By Ew?Really? - 04/08/2014 05:42 - United States - Montrose

Today, my husband was disgusted by me expressing breast milk while we were in the shower together. This is the same man who thinks it's funny to pee on my legs because, "It'll wash off." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 099
You deserved it 4 988

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time you should pee on him and say "Well, at least it wasn't breast milk".


skyeyez9 24

Showering together is not as fun as it sounds. One usually freezes while the other hogs all the hot water.

That's why I have 2 shower heads; one at each end. Problem solved!

TheyCallMeDamien 17
daydreamer244 13

Well if he's so fine with pee then do the same to him and see how he likes it.

Squirt him in both eyeballs for being lame. He deserves as much. :-)

The real problem here is you let him in the shower with you again after the first time he pissed on your leg.

I wish I could upvote your comment more than once. This is EXACTLY what I was thinking!

That's kind of you to do it in the shower. I used to shoot my ex husband with it across the living room. We both thought it was hilarious.

Tell him, "Ur ine for some trouble so you breast not be immature."

myhamhat 3

You should nip that in the bud.

Yeah, if that were my husband, he'd try that one time, and if he ever did it again he wouldn't be my husband anymore. You don't piss on people you love. Hell, you don't piss on people, that's messed up.