By imarriedanaxemurderer - 18/06/2013 05:01 - United States - Joliet

Today, my husband was in our newborn's room, holding and talking to him. I guess he forgot the baby monitor, because I overheard him say, "Wanna know a secret? Daddy kills people." I really hope he was just quoting Dexter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 545
You deserved it 4 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he didn't forget the baby monitor and he was just messing with you.

Look for those slides with drops of blood.


When he is taking a shower, turn on the GPS on in his cell phone so when someone near you gets murdered and it's on the news you can check where he was at the time of death

This is the part where I would be questioning what my husband really does for a living :-p

titusflavius 3

Taking a page from the Walter White school of parenting.

Oh God let's hope he was just messing with you.

Putting this on my list of things to do when I get a kid

Serlenia 3

O.o... I really hope he was just quoting that show XD.

chezgigi 7

I see the beginning of a Lifetime movie...

marlize 6

Bawahaha I hope he is joking too hehe! I'll do that with my husband one day hehe

HarleyQ11 0

It's not from Dexter. It's from Breaking Bad. When Walt is holding Holly...

lol I hope he's joking, that would be so great