By Anonymous - 27/05/2009 22:44 - United States

Today, my kitten was playing with the drawstring on my pajama pants. He then jumped, clinging on to my crotch. I screamed in pain, which scared him and made him hold on tighter. My cat was literally hanging from my vagina with its claws for a good 30 seconds before I could pry him off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 733
You deserved it 8 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

truslide 0

i am so sick of this pussy on pussy crime!!! LOL


153- no cat 'should' be declawed, that's just sick... It disgusts me that your vet would do that for now reason. How would you like the last bone removed from all of your fingers? If you want an animal without claws, GET A FISH.

**** your life I just felt a sharp pain down there....

jengen 0

Ouch........ Damn pussy cat!

Sounds like a kitty on kitty bonding session... That's got to hurt - I hope the scars heal soon...

nikki1001 0

#152: NO! Don't encourage declawing. That's awful and cruel. idc how many times my cats scratch me, I would never even think to put them through that. I'm not even sure why vets do it.

thuryn 2

Declawing is a barbaric practice and should be outlawed, especially since it leaves a cat defenseless and completely unable to fend for itself. If something happens to me, MY cat can still hunt for her own food (and she sometimes does anyway).

Londonlover55 0

Ouch, ****** abuse! LOL. =)

LuxLisbon_fml 0

Since the ****** is the internal passage, I really doubt the kitten was hanging off there - sounds like it was hanging off the fabric, but its claws poked through and scratched the mons pubis (the fleshy mound on a girl's crotch). My dad's cat always sits on his lap in the morning and kneads his crotch through his pyjama trousers, it's pretty funny. And yes, declawing is horrible. If you can't comprehend that a cat is an animal and not a household object, you're not responsible enough to own one.

C_Wicked27 0

Nothing like reading about a little pussy on pussy SNM to start the day off.... wait, what?