By Anonymous - 01/02/2010 03:16 - United States

Today, my little brother was playing with my cat, getting it to chase a laser pointer. He thought it would be funny to shine the laser pointer over my nuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 213
You deserved it 3 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

UsaTrackstar 0

Meow mix.... meatballs edition

malik_s 0

@ craylo you spent 5 minutes reading reading 2 sentences ? ಠ_ಠ


AshliBaby16 0

why have I seen this fml before.??

I could swear I've seen this FML before. Meh. You know what to do, OP, so just do it.

You deserve it for owning being a dude and owning a cat!

I feel your pain. My ex roommate had 2 cats, one of them decided to use my sack as a speedbag!

YDI for letting someone that young and dumb play with a device that can cause injury

Well, be a good big brother and punch that little shit in the head. He's gotta learn that you can't do that.

xosKsxo 0

hmm that's odd im a vet this cat either has serious behavieral problems or has been abused and doesn't like you because a well trained-well treated cat would stop at your feet if confronted with that situation..peculiar

I don't believe you are a vet because it sounds like you have never been around cats before.

if u really are a vet, you sure don't sound like one when you don't bother w/ capitalization

TaZ_963 0

I saw a very similar fml to this recently...