By Anonymous - 01/02/2010 03:16 - United States

Today, my little brother was playing with my cat, getting it to chase a laser pointer. He thought it would be funny to shine the laser pointer over my nuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 208
You deserved it 3 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments

UsaTrackstar 0

Meow mix.... meatballs edition

malik_s 0

@ craylo you spent 5 minutes reading reading 2 sentences ? ಠ_ಠ


Sorry OP... that IS funny. Unfortunately, you now have to think of something even funnier to get him back. That will be extremely difficult, but make sure you get video of whatever you do.

So you're sitting around naked, with your scrotum hanging down so the cat can attack them? That's just plain odd.

and then...? the cat decides not to even bother? some how shreds through your pants? because the cat wouldn't do any damage unless you weren't wearing pants worst fml just for that ydi even though i don't even know what the cat ended up doing

fallnangel7 0

lame! I have seen this one so many times on here!

doof_fisch 2

Sorry, pal. The laser shining on your nuts probably made you sterile.

um why were u watching your brother play with a cat with your junk hanging out thats what im getting from this

sarcdude 3

I feel absolutely terrible for laughing at this. Pain is hilarious.