By Anonymous - 16/08/2012 06:33 - United States

Today, my mom asked me if I had any plans to go out tonight. To divert attention, I pretended to be angry and accused her of prying into my social life. Actually, I have no social life and nobody to go out with. My only "big plans" were to finish my Sudoku book. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 143
You deserved it 24 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mum was being nice to you!!! How could you be mean like that for no reason?!?!


ImmaB3AST 7

People tend to have ****** up social lives when they treat the ones who care about them like shit.

Pretty sure you should be nicer to your mom.

ineslovescats 5

And you wonder why you have no social life...

I GUARANTEE you that your mother knows that you have no social life. That's the biggest mistake kids make - assuming you're smarter than your parents. We know, and we care. Don't lie to us, especially about something frivolous like this.

pinkpixie06 11

Thumbs up for the genuine advice from Doc! I couldn't find even a hint of sarcasm...

Is OP saying that she has no friends? I find that really sad. Still, no excuse to be mean to your mum but I can understand why she'd be so defensive. FYL OP.

OP, very nice ! Try to be more polite next time to tour mom rather than being an A-hole

loserboii 11

Well at least you're exercising your brain. I can never finish those Soduku puzzles.