By KitKat270 - 28/05/2009 01:40 - Canada

Today, my mom informed me that she wouldn't be joining the rest of the girls in the limo ride to the church for my wedding ceremony because she wants to have her car with her. Why? Because she is planning to leave my wedding reception half way through to go home and take her dog out to pee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 691
You deserved it 4 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#2 I'd think that her daughter's wedding is more important than this. If the dog is so important, she should have made plans for someone else to watch the dog that day so she could be there the whole time to support her daughter.

I agree with #13. What's the big deal? Jesus she's not SKIPPING the whole freaking wedding here, there is nothing wrong with going home real quick to let the dog out so he/she doesn't pee all over the house. OP you might need to be less of a Bridezilla.


FreedomFirst 0

Good for her, actually; I hate people who think their animals should just hold it forever because it inconveniences them. If it's that big of a deal to you, tell her to bring her dog with her to the wedding.

You're so self-centered. Just because it's your wedding doesn't mean that the responsibilities of the people around you suddenly disappear for a day. Grow up. I'm 16 and I know better than you do.

Equinox987 0

Uhhh.... my mother in law did this during our wedding. Not a problem. It's during the reception, not the wedding vows or owt. Also there's always that possibility that it's part of a larger plan. My mother in law came back from letting said dogs out, with some overnight bags and information about the fancy hotel she'd surprised us with. get over yourself!

ed1721 0

What a bitch, she could just pay a neighbor to do that. And Btw congrats on getting married,.

Agree with #2. Haha well said #147. Your mom did the right thing, atleast she cares about the dog.

It's her special day her mother should at least have someone take care of the dog. #150, her mom didn't do the right thing. You don't leave a ceremony, at all, especially your daughters, thats a bad reputation and people will be talking about that mother for another year.

The_Foreigner886 1

That's what you get for not allowing the dog there. The dog IS a family member, you know.

Your mom probably doesn't realize it's that important to you (just look at the variety of responses on here -- the reception and limo hold different meaning for different people). To give her the benefit of the doubt, she probably just figured letting the dog out herself would be easiest and it's not an indicator that she cares more about her pet than you. Just let her know that you would prefer it if she stayed because you want her there for support, and go from there.

I understand how you can feel slighted. However, missing a ride in a limo and maybe a half hour out of the reception to go let the dog out isn't the end of the world. I doubt she will miss any of the important parts of your reception. While she could have found someone to do it for her, chances are that those people she would have normally asked are probably at your wedding, and I find myself agreeing with all the #2s here.