By KitKat270 - 28/05/2009 01:40 - Canada

Today, my mom informed me that she wouldn't be joining the rest of the girls in the limo ride to the church for my wedding ceremony because she wants to have her car with her. Why? Because she is planning to leave my wedding reception half way through to go home and take her dog out to pee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 691
You deserved it 4 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#2 I'd think that her daughter's wedding is more important than this. If the dog is so important, she should have made plans for someone else to watch the dog that day so she could be there the whole time to support her daughter.

I agree with #13. What's the big deal? Jesus she's not SKIPPING the whole freaking wedding here, there is nothing wrong with going home real quick to let the dog out so he/she doesn't pee all over the house. OP you might need to be less of a Bridezilla.


Uh, so? I'm with the other people who said you need to grow up. It's not that big a deal that she has to briefly leave your RECEPTION to take her dog out. It's not like she ran out in the middle of the ceremony screaming "I have to to go home and take my dog out to go the bathroom!!!" And I definitely don't agree with the people complaining "it's the most important day of her life."

a dogs gotta pee i guess? its something my mother would do, and I wouldnt really be all that offended about it.

Boohoo. Grow up, you're getting married. How would you like it if your daughter/son hated you just because you had to skip out a bit on the marriage to do some buisness? God, you're the bitch, not your mother.

lmmmr 0

You know, in any other situation I would say that you have a legitimate argument in saying that it would not be difficult for your mother to make arrangements for a neighbor to take care of the dog for the day. But the fact that you are making such a huge deal about it that you actually tried to make it into another "FML my mommy loves the doggy more!" story makes it clear that you are overreacting. Big time. She will be gone for an hour. You can wait for her. Just because it's your wedding doesn't mean the world revolves around you. And really, if it is the biggest day of your life, you have a sad life.

My mom is the same way. she'll go home early just to walk the dog. she's always like "aww i gotta get home! my baby has to go out!" :l FYL.

zeusseta 0

Wedding days may not be THE most important day in people's lives, but it is pretty damn important. & people, mostly men, out there who are like "whatever, it's just a wedding" Please, be considerate. & don't be surprised if you don't even get married with a heart like that.

lmmmr 0

I am a woman, and I still think you're being a spoiled brat for expecting everyone to drop their responsibilities just because you think the world revolves around you. And even more so for throwing a temper tantrum when they don't.

DeadMansCrack 4

#45, you're worse than the OP. If the mother missed the actual marriage, than she would be a bitch. But she didn't. It's the RECEPTION. All you do is dance, eat, drink, etc. You're just one of those godawful bridezilla bitches who wants their over-the-top, unrealistic fairy tale weddings.

bollywood_rocks 0

Um,132 I am female and to put this into perspective, I *shudder* at the thought of being with a man for more than 6 months and marriage wise I'd pay the guy to go propose to someone else. I also have been engaged since I was 16 (arranged marriage kinda) and last year I kindly told the guy to look for someone else because it ain't happening. So I still say: weddings are unnecessary and expensive narcissistic parties. If you need it to validate your love for each other and it's up there as one of the biggest days of your life, then sorry but you need help!