By KitKat270 - 28/05/2009 01:40 - Canada

Today, my mom informed me that she wouldn't be joining the rest of the girls in the limo ride to the church for my wedding ceremony because she wants to have her car with her. Why? Because she is planning to leave my wedding reception half way through to go home and take her dog out to pee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 690
You deserved it 4 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#2 I'd think that her daughter's wedding is more important than this. If the dog is so important, she should have made plans for someone else to watch the dog that day so she could be there the whole time to support her daughter.

I agree with #13. What's the big deal? Jesus she's not SKIPPING the whole freaking wedding here, there is nothing wrong with going home real quick to let the dog out so he/she doesn't pee all over the house. OP you might need to be less of a Bridezilla.


asdtertrwttewt 2

Just have her replaced in the ceremony. Win, win, win.

oh and also, most of you are missing the point that her mother doesn't want to ride in the limo, which is a major shun because most mothers do travel to the church in the limo with their daughters

Yeah seriously, you will be so busy meeting all the people wishing you well you probably won't remember her. Shame she won't be in the limo with you on the way there but so what?

Well, at least she's not giving the dog an opportunity to pee all over your precious childhood pictures and art projects or anything like that. But still, FYL.

That sucks, man. I can see my stupid mom doing something like that though. But really, your wedding should be more important than her damn dog. Yes, even the reception. She should be there to support her daughter on one of the biggest days of her life, rather than worried about her dog peeing. I agree, she should've gotten someone to watch it or put it in a kennel or something. Sounds like she might have something else planned, and is using that as an excuse...

Srsly, **** that dog in the ass, set it on fire, and take a picture and send it to ur mom. Fat bitches with stupid dogs need to STFU about their stupif ******* dogs and be tot some manners. NOONE LIKES UR DOG NOT EVEN U SO STFU

Bridezilla alert! This is one of the main reasons wedding days are so stressful.... because the bride makes it so by stressing over everything, which in turn stresses those around her and her groom. Even after the vows are done some bridezilla's can't even enjoy their own wedding days because they are running around like a blue arsed fly because minute details are not how she imagined they would be. When the honest fact is the only person who cares about such things is her, and everybody else (apart from the groom who would be stressed by proxy) is enjoying themselves. That said the mother should have sorted out someone to look after the dog, or just left it outside for the duration.

dont turst that dog itll probably shti in the punchbowl or somet shit. fuc k it in theASS.

kiit23 0

Dogs have to pee, get over it. She can COME BACK.