By KitKat270 - 28/05/2009 01:40 - Canada

Today, my mom informed me that she wouldn't be joining the rest of the girls in the limo ride to the church for my wedding ceremony because she wants to have her car with her. Why? Because she is planning to leave my wedding reception half way through to go home and take her dog out to pee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 690
You deserved it 4 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#2 I'd think that her daughter's wedding is more important than this. If the dog is so important, she should have made plans for someone else to watch the dog that day so she could be there the whole time to support her daughter.

I agree with #13. What's the big deal? Jesus she's not SKIPPING the whole freaking wedding here, there is nothing wrong with going home real quick to let the dog out so he/she doesn't pee all over the house. OP you might need to be less of a Bridezilla.


KitKat270 0

Hey guysl, yeah this definitely happened to me yesterday. And it's not that she can't board the dog, because she boarded him all the time when she was in the process of moving last month. She just doesn't see the problem in leaving her daughters wedding reception to take the dog out. By teh way, it's like $12 to board the dog, and i even offered to give her the money (even though she is very well off).

KitKat270 0

And guys, i realize that it will only be for about an hour, but no matter what time she leaves at, she's bound to miss something. Either the first dances, or the cake-cutting, or the bouquet/garter toss, or speeches, or the slideshow...something.

SomeGuy1234 0

I don't see this as an FML or a YDI, unless of course you want a mom who enjoys dog pee on her floor. She's no planning to miss the wedding, she's planning to leave early from the reception(meal) after the wedding where nothing important happens anyways.

KitKat270 0

And thanks everyone who is showing support. =) It's nice to have someone who understands, because she can't for the life of her, figure out why i'm so upset about this!

ohhhhshizzz 0

I read it as the mom would NOT be coming back after she lets her dog out or to pee. And hey, maybe something will happen and she'll be stuck in traffic. That means the OP won't even get to see her mom before she comes back from her honeymoon. And hey all of you guys saying grow up. Bullshit, y'all know y'all would be angry so do NOT even lie. Or the OP could ONLY have her mom, I don't have a dad maybe that's the OP's situation. So no, she'd only have ONE parent supporting her. And hell reception or not I would want my mother there. People are missing the point, the mother is leaving for a ******* dog. All she has to do is leave the dog outside, or maybe she has a dog house or get a dog sitter. But no she would actually leave, get the dog to pee and probably not come back because she is "tired."

bollywood_rocks 0

Oh please! Who's to say OP wouldn't have another wedding in 5 to 10yrs when she gets tired of the current man,divorces him and "falls in love" again? Because wedding> smelly carpet dog peed on. I'm also sure most of the comments slamming the mother are from women. Get a life and learn how to be considerate,BRIDEZILLA!

I took it as the mother didn't live far away from the reception venue and therefore would not be gone too long... You sure you can't invite the dog?? I've heard of them being used to carry the rings in the ceremony.... j/k Have a nice wedding!

Shes missing 2 minutes of your wedding. **** up and stop whining. Or the dog could pee in the middle of the church