By anonymous.. - 03/09/2010 00:29 - United States

Today, my mom told me I was conceived on Halloween. She thought it would be funny to say "Let's just say your dad was not wearing his ghost costume." She then winked. I am now scarred for life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 116
You deserved it 4 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... grow up baby, ur parents ****! deal with it!

perdix 29

I'll bet the OP means "scarred" for life. Just another instance where some Internet dummy doesn't know that doubling a letter can change the whole meaning of a sentence. What a looser! So, Casper the Friendly Ghost wasn't wearing his raincoat when he entered Mom's dark, moist, scary haunted mansion!


skyeyez9 24

150-200yrs ago, families in the US grew up and all slept near each other in small one room cabins. Some had 5 or more kids. I am pretty sure they heard their parents haxing sex. Be happy you didnt grow up in a little one room cabin.

I was conceived on Valentines day...haha. And uhm...obviously there had to have been sex and egg fertilization done for you to be in existance... Are you retarded? Scarred for life...jeeze. I hope you never have kids...if you can tell them they grew in a tube and you never had sex to create them. Holy ******* christ.

skyeyez9 24

Op if you have good parents who care for you, that is more than what alot of people have.

YDI for thinking your dad doesn't plow your mom. or maybe it's the other way around... look at it this way, if your mom had swallowed that night, you wouldn't be here to whine about finding out your parents had sex once. or if she had danced the two finger taco tango earlier that day then she might not have had the libido that night to conceive you on the bathroom floor. I hope that gave you enough mental images to carry you through your next few FMLs.

Spewki 3

"Today, I learned that sex makes babies, and I was conceived by my parents doing the nasty. I was always under the impression that babies were sold at the hospital. FML." Seriously, how is this a FML? F your mother's L for having such a squimish daughter.

heyyitshannah 0

well, at least yew were planned amd yer father didmt tell yer mother to get a abortion because yew were a mistake. "-.-

fernandita91 0

your mom has a sense of humor that's awesome! Also, you are alive so you obviously knew there was a day you were conceived on, where your dad didn't wear his "costume". What's the big deal that you now know it was Halloween....or did you think the stork dropped you off?

johnk662561 0

Scared for life? you're SCARRED for life too.

scared?? how the heck do you think kids are made?!???