By thanks mom ¬_¬ - 24/08/2013 22:05 - United States - Carlsbad

Today, my mom visited my new apartment for the first time. I was showing her the bedroom, when she looked into my opened sock drawer and said, "Using Durex, eh? Yeah, you were born 'cause a Trojan split." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 711
You deserved it 4 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's nothing like condom talk with your mother.

It's ok, I was an accident too. We should be friends.


Lol, lot of us are born because of broken condoms. You shouldn't worry about that.

Wizardo 33

Well like a Trojan virus you were downloaded unexpectedly...

monnanon 13

more like a trojan horse as he snuck in without anyone noticing.

Hey, what do you know? I'm a condom baby too. All though, I was probably born though a Ramses condom. Apparently they're not reliable. What can you expect, the Pharaoh did have around 100 children. :P

jasmine2301 25

Don't look at it as an... insult, but more of advice! Better that you heard it from someone experienced than learning the hard way.

For being nosey... "And that's why we're pregnant cause the durex split..." Throw in a YOLO afterward.


Anyone that uses YOLO is not old enough to comprehend any serious consequences because they believe that YOLO is an acceptable scapegoat option. Broaden your horizons and read a book instead of being such a delinquent.

I get that YOLO is immature but IN MY OPINION, the conversation was probably headed in that direction.

If it makes you feel better, I was an accident too. My mom never let's me forget it either

DFresh503 8

Your mom sounds like a romantic lol. But seriously, better to use Durex than nothing at all!

aye atleast she's honest with you...

perdix 29

I don't know how anyone who has read "The Iliad" can ever use Trojans. They let all the Greeks spill out after they get let into the gate!

jasmine2301 25

This made my day... err night.