By thanks mom ¬_¬ - 24/08/2013 22:05 - United States - Carlsbad

Today, my mom visited my new apartment for the first time. I was showing her the bedroom, when she looked into my opened sock drawer and said, "Using Durex, eh? Yeah, you were born 'cause a Trojan split." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 711
You deserved it 4 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's nothing like condom talk with your mother.

It's ok, I was an accident too. We should be friends.


Let's just say you were the fastest out of the lot that escaped OP...

You should freak her out and tell her "I'm not sure Durex are any better, I think one of the girls might be pregnant."

Obey_StudBoii 23
slappygecko 21

To all those who use our competitors' products, Happy Father's Day.

i don't think she was being ignorant or rude about it. she's probably just glad you're not using a condom brand that has failed her, especially if you're not ready yet for kids.

jgriff79 23

No worries with a condom breaking if she sucks!

Haha reminds me of my mum don't worry OP majority of us are mistakes.✋