By BornInTheWrongEra - 31/03/2013 06:24 - United States

Today, my neighbours came to yell at me as they could hear my "shit music" through my window during the afternoon, so I turned it off. They then began to play their definition of "quality music" into the late hours of the night. I was listening to the Beatles. They blasted Nicki Minaj. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 242
You deserved it 5 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who would willingly listen to Nicki Minaj?

damwoods 12

When you live in the ghetto what can you say .....


People do not care how to spell a no-talent hack's name.

torihatfield 10

You should play death metal as loud as you can and see what they would do

metal is a wonderful thing! the louder the better!! ^_^

mangoboy1 19

I'm trying to come up with a clever comment using song titles of the Beatles but I can't think of anything .

rg350dx 29

Oh! Darling. I've Got a Feeling you'd have to be a Madman to like Niki Minaj In Spite of All The Danger. Ask Me Why Its All Too Much Junk, and I'll explain, "Because Its all Bad to Me." You'll say, "Ain't She Sweet And I Love Her." I'll say "Don't Bother Me with that Girl and put me in Misery."

She's a Woman who's music is the worst I've heard In My Life. She's going Nowhere, Man and it will be a Good Day Sunshine when she goes to Hellp. The Beatles Forever.

mangoboy1 19

With neighbors like that, you know you should be glad.

vanessa09865 23

Why? Because they're obviously going to die early from listening to crap music? And then she can listen to whatever music she wants?

I think that was a play on words on a lyric from "She Loves You", if you didn't get it.

I Love Both, Quick Question, Are Your Neighbors Older Or Kinda Young?

nnnope 26

Why Are You Capitalizing Every Word?

-sigh- So much douchebaggery in these comments.

Right? The Beatles are a great band, but Its funny how nobody here ever thought that neighbors played nikki on purpose. To get back at OP for blasting music that did not want to be heard AT THE TIME. Had to capitalize that before all you bastards starts bashing me and my generation

frustrated20 8

Beatles > Minaj hands down... and I'm only 22, not all young people have bad taste in music...

I'm 16 and hate that crap. I can't listen to the radio. When people ask to see my music they're always like, "EWWW WHAT IS THIS CRAP ????" That "crap" is real music.

McNikk 15

#63, there's crap music played on and off the radio so I can't really say wether or not I agree with your friends. What specific artists do you listen to?

vanessa09865 23

I'm probably gonna be thumbed down but I listen to the radio all the time. They have radio stations that play exclusively 'oldies'. I mainly listen to country. Take cover for the thumbing!

99- I listen to a lot of oldies and modern day bands like Mumford and Soms, Panic! At the Disco, MCR (rip :

Songokuu9000 8

Blast one direction or justin bieber and watch their faces melt!

how old are your neighbors? i like papa roach, foo fighters and im 20.. i dont know if im an inbred or a freak..

Nicki Minaj music? God what has this world come to..

vanessa09865 23

I believe you mean: God, what has this world come to? That anyone can spewing acid from there mouth can become a popular 'singer'? I do agree though