By BornInTheWrongEra - 31/03/2013 06:24 - United States

Today, my neighbours came to yell at me as they could hear my "shit music" through my window during the afternoon, so I turned it off. They then began to play their definition of "quality music" into the late hours of the night. I was listening to the Beatles. They blasted Nicki Minaj. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 245
You deserved it 5 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who would willingly listen to Nicki Minaj?

damwoods 12

When you live in the ghetto what can you say .....


rg350dx 29

Niki minaj isn't considered music. It should be prohibited by the Geneva convention.

Nothing a gas can and a zippo can't fix

It's okay. The same thing happened to me. My neighbors listened to 2chainz or whatever and I listened to Led Zeppplin, Pink Floyd, The Beatles... And Daft Punk.

TxCountryBeauty 10

I love daft punk... And the rest of the afore mentioned:)

So, about their new album... How excited are you?

dinosaurzombie 14

Why did people say that the OP deserved it?

Because he was playing his music loudly enough for the neighbors to hear, I assume. I doubt anyone that clicked YDI actually LIKE Nikki Minaj... Right?

Even if my neighbor had the same musical tastes as me, I wouldn't go blasting it to the point they'd have to ask me to turn it down and I would hope they would show the same respect. Though in my younger days I was involved in a stereo war or two with neighbors who refused to turn their music down. Sometimes I hate being an adult.

Oh dear God. It is time to Move! Now!

Voting "YDI" on this post officially constitutes as forfeiting your soul.

1215116a 14

I actually think it's both the neighbor's and Op's fault for playing their music too loud, but I chose FML anyways because the terrible music. I guess voting YDI isn't that bad for this one though, as long as it isn't because you're defending Nicki Minaji.

Fake music does not exist and good music is subjective, but they should respect your tastes as much as you respect theirs.

perdix 29

Let's see. Nicki Minaj is on American Idol, while Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr are sitting at home. I see no problem with the neighbors' logic.

torihatfield 10

Just because they aren't attention obsessed and don't need to be in the spot light to feel better about themselves does not mean they aren't more talented than Nikki Manaj could ever hope to be.

perdix 29

#50, I don't know. It seems that being entrusted to develop the musicians of the future should correlate with the quality of your music. I mean, Simon Cowell's songs have saved my life!

Here comes the sun! Oh wait... They wish they could have this moment for life. Ugh.